Beverly Hills Shopping Center
8502-8540 Patterson Ave., Richmond, VA 23229

Beverly Hills Shopping Center is a neighborhood shopping center located at the intersection of Patterson Avenue & Parham Road.
Beverly Hills Shopping Center has the enviable distinction of being one of Richmond's most well known retail centers.
After the completion of the Parham-Chippenham Connector, the traffic flow past the center significantly increased, rivaling that of Richmond's most heavily traveled commercial corridors. Long a favorite of the affluent West End of Richmond, the center opened its doors to the fast growing, upper income areas of northern Chesterfield County.
After a recent exterior renovation, Beverly Hills Shopping Center is on the verge of a new era and is suited perfectly for those specialty shops searching for a center with instant name recognition combined with a large traffic count. Access can be achieved from Patterson Avenue and Parham Road.
Tenants include True Value Hardware, Ellman's Dance Boutique, Verizon Wireless, Buckhead's Restaurant, Faceworks Day Spa, Spinal Correction Center of Richmond, Salon DeBonaire, Virginia Family Dentistry, Cater 2 Events, Mixing Bowl Bakery and Custom Tailors.
Approx. 310 Free Surface Spaces are available.
Year Built | 1959 | Renovated | 2004 | Sq.Ft. | 45,014 | Acres | 5.57 | Zoning | B-2 |
Features | Good traffic counts at the corner of Parham & Patterson (52,450 cars/day). | Construction | Masonry |

Property # 1001 |